Pop the bottles! We are celebrating 5 years of the Yo! Mama's World community being live. I have so many things to be grateful for starting with this platform. I want to thank everyone who has supported this blog from sharing posts to posting comments to reacting with emojis. This "world" would be boring without you and you keep me going. Little known fact: Did you know that I have over 175 posts? Now I know many will say, "girl, you haven't posted any blog posts on here since last year" and my response would be "trust the process. Your girl has been up to something". Many know that I've been talking about writing a motherhood/parenting book for over a decade now. I've been sharing my Oh! Mariah momedy moments on social media for a long time and blogging the remainder of my parenting experiences here on this site. Now, it's finally time to publish. I am targeting a Fall release of Yo! Mama, the book. (cheers!!!) I have been writing, writing, and re-writing as I have so much to share but just want to make it right with no regrets. While I would love for this book to be perfect and all-encompassing, I have to constantly remind myself to not let perfection be the enemy of progress and that there's always room for a series (wink). I have some wonderful beta readers that will soon review some of my content to provide feedback to ensure the book is appetizing, entertaining, and informative. I will share updates on the book progress with you all as well. Stay tuned!
The next moment of gratitude is for sight. If you've been following me on TikTok @yomamamesh1 (uh-huh I know you haven't but it's ok lol), you may be in on a little secret. I "got my eyes done". It's funny saying it as if it's a hairstyle but it's true. I finally went through with getting Lasik eye surgery. I've been wearing glasses for over 3 decades now and have always dreamed of looking my children in the eye without the barrier of glasses in between or taking pictures without glasses and being able to see the actual camera lens, or something as simple as wearing a variety of store-bought sunglasses. I had been hooked on the idea of Lasik since seeing it on the news back in like 8th grade and being amazed at the technology. But back then, the turn off was that the cost was about $10,000 per eye. Then, circa 2018, I had done alot of research and asked some of my peers about it and finally gained the courage to go forward with it in 2019. Well we all know what or who happened in 2019 (ahem...Miles). Then I said, 2020 is the year and the world said NOPE! Fast forward to this year, as I approach a birthday milestone later this year, I told myself it's now or never and finally went through with the procedure. I haven't been able to sleep in days. Not because of any discomfort, but because I'm so excited to look around and see everything. All the colors are so much more vivid and I can see faces and words that I wasn't able to before, some of which even with glasses on. I get so overcome with joy just thinking of God's goodness for this miraculous gift that I was able to receive.
In the spirit of 5, the last moment of gratitude will consist of 3: Mariah, Bubs, & Yadi. I wouldn't dare take the credit for their hardwork and the good Lord's guidance, but just wanted to share this proud parent moment as they deserve this moment of recognition.
Yadi received his first Academic Achievement award last week. Bubs received the Principal's Positive Pass for great grades & citizenship. He also received Honor Roll award last week. Both Yadi & Bubs moved from white belt to yellow belt status in passing their Tae Kwon Do test out. Then there's Miss Mariah. She just completed her first season of Basketball, placed in the top 10 in the school's Scripps spelling bee, achieved 4.0 while taking 2 accelerated classes and receiving her award today, joined a Spring dance club, AND was selected to participate in the Leadership program at her school. Way to go scholars! Keep shining.
Love y'all & Happy 314 day (STL),
Yo! Mama Mesh
Author Kimesha Malone, RN
IG: @yomamamesh
TikTok: @yomamamesh1
Facebook: K-Boogie