Hi guys! Has it been hard to get your mind off of things or keep your kids busy during this time? Well today, we are continuing with our summer program. I know we missed day 6 but I think we all needed a mental health break and a moment to reflect.
Here is the gameplan for today that you can also incorporate in your nature day:
Nature walk - I found a little tablet of sheets called "Insects I See" from Target that we will use on our nature walk. Your walk can be down a nearby trail, park, or even in your own neighborhood or backyard. The kids can write down the number of the types of insects they find. If you need a tip on printable nature walk templates, take a peek at https://www.themeasuredmom.com/free-nature-scavenger-hunt/
Read 1 book (be sure to log it in your Summer Reading Log):
On Beyond Bugs: All About Insects (Cat in the Hat's Learning Library)
Backpack Explorer: On the Nature Trail: What Will You Find? by Oana Befort
Movie: A Bug's Life
Tune in tomorrow for Water day Wednesday and Nature Bingo!
Yo! Mama
