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Summer At-Home Program: Science week!

Writer's picture: Yo! Mama MeshYo! Mama Mesh

Hey there! You thought I went on vacation? I wish. I increased my hours at work this week so pardon this late post. Last week, we had tons of fun with technology. The kids even made their own music video and iMovie at the end of the week. (Click the Youtube video links below to view these super cool clips...and don't forget to Subscribe!)

This week, we will be focusing in on Matter with an emphasis on Solids, Liquids, and Gases. We were going to touch on the many areas of science but it's a big world of science out there and it's hard to cram it all in one week without missing some pieces. Below is what you could do for your science week, including some amazing & fun experiments with bubbles, soap, cabbage, & more. I'll include some video clips of our Lemon volcano & balloon experiment as well. Have fun and use common "science" (sounds like a southern flavor way of saying sense lol). **With any science experiment, please use safety, protect your eyes and hands if using any harsh or highly acidic chemicals, and wash your hands immediately after use.


What's the Matter? - here's a great video to introduce the topic of Matter

A great article courtesy of Brittanica Kids

Worksheets: You can find some grade level appropriate worksheets at

Tuesday (Chemistry & the Elements)

Read 1 book for tracking in your Summer Reading log

Learn about the Elements and here's a fun word search courtesy of Science Kids

Here's our Lemon volcano experiment video as well:

Wednesday (Solids)

Let's make Soap! - I purchased some materials from Michael's store that we can use to make homemade soap. The ingredients include: Soap glycerin block, fragrance, oil, just a dash of food coloring, and a pan to put the mold in. I also have cookie cutters to add some fun for the kids to cut their soap into cool shapes. The process that I've seen includes melting your glycerin after slicing in small blocks for a couple seconds in the microwave, then combining the remaining ingredients and pouring into your pan. Spray a dash of rubbing alcohol over the top and place in freezer for approx 20 min to harden. Once ready to remove, use your cookie cutters (be careful if metal or aluminum) to create works of art!

Thursday (Liquids)

It's Time for Bubbles! - Want something cool to do? All you need is a few easy ingredients to make your own bubble solution and bubble wand. Shout out to Pre-K pages for sharing this fun-filled experiment: Fun with bubbles

Read 1 book for tracking in your Summer Reading Log

Friday (Gases...Don't Pass It!)

Here's a video we captured of performing this experiment:

See you next week when we look into the scary place called...the Human Body!

Kids Music Video:

Yo! Mama

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