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Red, White, & Blue week!

Writer's picture: Yo! Mama MeshYo! Mama Mesh

Hey there! I hope you've been enjoying summer break as much as you can with the limitations that are in place. I know it's extremely tough to not be able to hit the pools or beaches, have relaxing, worry-free vacations, or even just a summer night out on the town. Hang in there! God didn't bring us this far to leave us. This week, we are taking a little break from the summer program and just squeezing in a couple fun activities.


Movie: The Incredibles

TV: Clifford the Big Red Dog


Movie: The Star (2017, rated PG)


Water day

Read-a-thon: The kids will have a goal of either reading 10 books OR 10 chapters. I have a special prize if they accomplish this (new books!!)

Special treat/snack: Star-spangled Rice Krispy treats (Make 3 batches of Rice Krispy treat mix; You can use red/blue white chocolate dips or food coloring to color the cereal red and blue, then slice into star shapes) or just add M&Ms as shown in the pic below. You can find the exact directions on Pinterest. This version was brought to you courtesy of Yo! Mama :)

Movie: Aladdin or Smurfs

For some lowkey, non-firework fun, you can pickup a box of Pop Snaps at your local Wal-mart, some grocery stores, or firework stand. Check your local listings to see where there will be visible or virtual firework shows. Please be safe, continue to practice social distancing, wear your masks (please so we can all get off of punishment lol; but seriously the more we all comply and do what's necessary to protect each other, the sooner the shutdowns will be lifted and return back to some sort of normal), & turn your negatives to positives. Enjoy life y'all! Peace & love.

Yo! Mama Mesh

P.S. This pic of Miles is how we shall all react once this coronavirus catastrophe is all over, African-American lives are valued more than winning the lottery, love is a beautiful thing, and Yo! Mama Mesh finally publishes her book!

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