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Happy New Year! What’s your vision?

Hey everyone! How’s your new year looking so far? Have you thought about what you want 2020 to look like? I usually go into the new year praying for the Lord to bless me but this year, I made a vision board to get more specific. To make a vision board, you add words and pictures to describe how you want your year to go and what you’d like to achieve. It is helpful to physically SEE your goals to continue to inspire you to push towards them. Faith without works is dead, so we can hope for things to happen or we can work to make them happen. As you know, I’ve been talking about writing this book and it has been in progress for like 9 years now. Well, I added it to my vision board and made a deal with myself saying if I don’t publish it this year, then I will give it up. So stay on me guys. I want to spend more quality time with my daughter as I see she’s clinging to me more, which she hasn’t done before. And she told me that this is the year that she’s going to get back into acting so I shall support her dreams.

I also incorporated some of the vision I see for others in my family. I didn’t put all of them but included my hubby, my kiddos, and a couple cousins. I plan to travel more this year and make this year better than 2019.

Pardon me for getting all religious but I just wanted to share a prayer for you and me: God we ask you to please watch over us in 2020, keep us all safe from harm, help us to achieve all of our goals, heal any grieving hearts and during moments of confusion, continue to bless us in abundance, as we pray to make this the best year ever. Pour joy in our hearts, renew our tired spirits as we overcome stress, strain, and struggles from 2019, and give us the caring hearts to bless others as we become blessed. We love you and ask these things in a Jesus name(fill in your higher power belief), Amen.

Love you all,

Yo! Mama Mesh

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