Yo! Mama Mesh

Oct 24, 20192 min

Trunk or Treat ideas

Are Trunk-or-Treats better than the general Trick-or-Treat? Which one would you say you get more candy and have more fun doing? Comment below. For me, I enjoy both but with Trunk-or-Treats, I will say that there is more of a guarantee that you will leave with something versus with trick-or-treating, you might hit some sad streets that don’t like to participate or folks turn their lights off real fast, or even have to drive to “certain neighborhoods” for the good stuff lol. I know some of y’all know what I’m talking about. Some folks have tradition or routine and kids be like “ooh that house gives out King Size Candy bars every year!” In college, the funniest experience was one of my buddies, who I’ll keep anonymous but they know who they are, wanted to participate in the dorm trick-or-treat experience where kids from town came to the dorms and visited each floor for trick-or-treating. Well my buddy didn’t have any candy to give away so when the kids came to the door, she stuffed their bags with Ramen noodles lol. I bet when the kids got home, they made an odd request like “mom, can you put a pot of water on?” I usually try to work at the kids’ school and church’s Trunk-or-Treats so this year feels weird not building some creative trunk to compete with and gathering lots of candy. Below are a couple pics of my amazingly creative trunks…well at least I thought so when I built them and kids raved about how cool they were. One was a gumball machine where the kids turn the knob (I wrapped a hanger in aluminum foil), reach into the bottom and grab a prize/candy. The second one was Trolls vs. Bergan’s Claw where I had the kids use the claw to grab the candy/prize and drop it down the chute, kind of like the claw game at places like Monkey Joe’s or Dave & Buster’s. And last year, I did McMalone’s (mocked up to imitate McDonald’s) where I gave out real-looking happy meals. I made McMalone stickers, bought boxes that looked like happy meals and apple pies and filled them with candy, Rice Krispy treats, and fun prizes like sunglasses, etc. I dressed like a real McDonald’s worker similar to Ronald McDonald and even some parents wanted their kids to take a picture with me and my trunk. It was so fun!
